It’s been a 2015 of catching up on what I fell behind on during the 2014 holiday break and now I finally get to say I finished reading a novel in the new year. I can’t remember how exactly I heard about this one, but I got it through NetGalley, so likely it came through a promotional email they sent out. Regardless, I’m glad I applied for it, as it was a wonderful and touching read.
Review: Sempio Bulgogi Sauce
After a satisfactory dish using Sempio’s Kalbi Sauce, I give their Bulgogi sauce and cook this dish for the first time!
Review: Sempio Kalbi Sauce
Korean brand Sempio makes a downright lipsmacking Kalbi sauce in an easy to store package with a screwtop opening.
Review: Pinzon Mezzaluna Set
See what I think about the Pinzon Chopping Block with Inset Mezzaluna from Amazon and see some nice herb pics!
Review: Simply Ming One Pot Meals Part 3
This is Part 3 of my review series on Simply Ming One-Pot Meals: Quick, Healthy & Affordable Recipes
, which begins to explore the recipes in the book and evaluates taste, accuracy, and difficulty level.
As mentioned in Part 1, the cookbook is split into five different sections. The recipe that I tried first is in the Saute section and I chose this because it was the first thing I could make without making a special trip to the market: Asian Spaghetti.