- Finish painting the living room and my bedroom – nope
- Finish painting the kitchen – nope
- Finish replacing all the cupboard knobs and handles with the ones I bought last year – nope
- Lose 30 lbs – nope
- Exercise regularly – nope
- Keep dining table clean each night – nope
- Get organized – nope
- Keep a daily list of “Thing to Do Today” – nope
- Finish organizing and fixing Adventures in Bentomaking – nope
- Build up Pikko’s House – getting there!
- Build up Fictional Food – did pretty good here!
- Keep desk area totally clean – nope
- Don’t let Mt. Everest of Laundry grow on Buddy’s bed – nope
- Increase Domo collection to disturbing size – success!
- Garden more, use up all my seeds from 2011 – nope
- Start more purple lilikoi plants – done, but they refuse to ripen!
- Get back into bentos – nope
- Floss every day, wear night guard every night – nope
- Take better care of myself – nope
- Keep house clean in general – nope
- Cook vegan dinners every now and then – nope
Holy shit, I suck at New Year’s resolutions. Anyway, here’s my 2013 list.
- Lose 20 lbs by July/SDCC
- Go to SDCC
- Exercise at least 4 times a week, 3 during the week and once on the weekend
- Take Mimi for walks at least 4 times a week
- Get back into bentos, make at least 3 times a week
- Work on YouTube channel for AIB
- Get EnderWiggin.net to at least 10,000 fans by June
- Bake all my bread myself unless it’s for demo work
- Floss every day, wear night guard every night
- Read at least 40 books
- Build up Review Addicts to at least 1,000 fans
- Write at least 100 reviews for Review Addicts
- Write at least 5 blog posts a week
- Get into Amazon Vine
- Take better care of myself
- Start button-making shop/store
- Get Mikia’s jewelry shop up and running
- Set small weekly goals to keep housework in check
- Self-publish Revenge on My Kids for Kindle
A lot of these goals are to help me get around to eventually being able to make a living off blogging. On an individual resolution basis though, hopefully this year I’m a bit more successful. =