SimpleMarkup #78 – Editorial Villains

Happy Wednesday, edibuddies and author friends! Ugh, March is here already, and already almost a quarter gone. April is sneaking up on me, and something big is happening for me in that I’ll be turning the big 40. My kids were already calling me “like, super old” a few years ago. I’ll be positively ancient soon.

This week’s comic is the whopping seventy-eighth I’ve done, and I am really struggling to keep track of what I’ve done so far. I think I need to print out each of my comics so that I can remember what jokes I’ve already cracked. Have I said this already too?

This week, Edie meets an editorial villain, one who she’s always wondered about. Think she’ll manage to keep her cool? Or will she don a cape and start erasing his work in the dead of night?

Have a great week!

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