SimpleMarkup #206 – Busylancing

Happy New Year!

Sheesh, this year has been a trial already. Not a good sign when 2021 was such a jerk. If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed that I haven’t posted a comic on a weekly basis in a while. That’s because I’ve been smashed with work but also because I’ve had a bad case of comic-writer’s block.

But the other day, a client replied to an email of mine and said something everyday and normal, which actually finally gave me the inspiration I needed to post one.

Also, yay, new artwork! I’m so glad Galihwindu is still able to illustrate for me all these years later.

Anyway, the comic is pretty self-explanatory, and I’m sure my fellow workaholics can definitely identify. Years ago, when I first saw Downton Abbey, and the Dowager Countess said that amazing line of “What is a weekend?” I remember howling with laughter over it.

Now, going into my eighth year freelancing, it sure does have a different meaning.

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