Here in Honolulu, we’ve basically gone back into lockdown, though not a lot has changed for me. School starts for my three kids on Monday, and they’re all three doing distance learning for the first four weeks, which means I expect to be doing a lot more hair-pulling as I try to get three unresponsive kids out of bed in time to be on camera when it’s been like the Wild West in this house when it comes to bedtime.
I suspect this is my karma for being so hard to wake up for school when I was a kid.

This one came to me suddenly over the weekend when this happened in my head, and I thought to write it down. The “Don’t Save” button gives me serious anxiety, even when I know all I’ve done is try to get a word count (which, for some reason, triggers the need to save). The very idea of lost work is terrible, especially when you think you’re all saved up and just trying to close a file.
Anyway, lots to do for me. Hope you’re safe and healthy and staying sane.