Whoa! It’s the last week in August already! I’m freakin’, because it’s already time to put out my next Book Lovers Box, I’ve got a ton of work to do, and I’ve got some cool things I’m brainstorming for 2020. It’s exciting, but it’s also daunting.

This week’s comic talks about something that I’ve come close to doing. Thankfully I haven’t fully gone down this rabbit hole yet, and it’s a trap I hope I never fall in: going back and looking at my early work, back when I was building my business and didn’t know nearly as much as I do today.
I realize it sounds minor, but the nitpicky stuff Edie is terrified of discovering is actually something I wonder about all the time. How many tabs did I leave in my early work? How many times did I think my brain could find all the double spaces with my eyes alone? Why did I put that comma there? Why did I think my brain could remember all the different variations between dictionaries and which one was correct?
I thought I was nitpicky when I started doing this, but now I know that Today Me would school Before Me on any number of things. It’s a scary, sobering though, but it’s also what keeps me motivated to keep learning.
What about you? Have you ever gone back to look at your early work and run away screaming?
I have. I’ve even been sent second editions of a book I originally edited and found (gasp) some things I missed that were in the published book. Cringe time.