SimpleMarkup #92 – A SimpleMarkup Original

Yikes, it’s mid-June already. Like, yikes-yikes. I’m already booking projects in September, and it seems like I’ll blink and it’ll be time to plan out winter and try to etch out a vacation this year. Or staycation, rather. I did this last year, but my little two-week refresher ended up being dedicated to my website revamp. I really don’t want to have to go through something like that again!

This week’s comic took me forrrr-evvv-errr to make, but I hope you guys enjoy it. And yes, the title of this week’s comic is rather ironic.

Seriously, I had to go hunt down all those fonts and make my own similar logos. That took way longer than I expected, but I’m pretty happy with the results. And hey, look at Edie being all meta. 🙂

Other brainstormy ideas that didn’t make it due to time and space: Black Compare Documents (for Black Mirror) and Always Be My Edibuddy (for Always Be My Maybe).

Disclaimer: Editflix is not a real streaming service.

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