It’s Thanksgiving and thanks to all of my prep, despite the fact that I kept falling behind, I seem to be very nicely on schedule today. Boy was I scrambling to play catch up.
On Tuesday I had to catch up with Monday’s tasks, so I baked the cheesecake. I also had to finish my Blurb planner, write my Thanksgiving bento post, bake the potatoes, refrigerate the skin, and make a pumpkin pie. I might cancel the pumpkin pie since lots of times people show up with pumpkin pies and we end up with like 3 or 4.
I also shampooed the carpets, messing up my back again in the process. I managed to bake the cheesecake and write the bento post, but overbaked the cheesecake and headed to bed at midnight with my back pain. In the morning I baked the potatoes and scooped them and uploaded the Blurb planner. I came home early from work to rest my back.
When afternoon rolled around I made the mashed potatoes and put the turkey in the oven to smoke for 8 hours. This morning I pulled all the meat off and now I’m cooking the bones for stock to make soup tomorrow! I chopped the roots, quartered the brussells sprouts, and rolled the last of the cinnamon roll dough. The corn got nixed when I forgot to go to the corn sale at work. Oops!